When it comes to dental health, there are various types of dental professionals that can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. Two of these professionals are dentists and endodontists. Although they both deal with oral health, they have different areas of specialization. In this blog post, we will discuss what an endodontist is and how it is different from a dentist.

What is an endodontist?


An endodontist is a dental specialist who focuses on treating the inside of the tooth. They specialize in diagnosing and treating problems related to the pulp and nerve of the tooth. The pulp of the tooth is the soft tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves. The nerve provides sensation to the tooth and helps to detect hot and cold temperatures. The endodontist is responsible for performing root canal treatments, which involve removing infected or damaged pulp from the tooth.

How does someone become an endodontist?

To become an endodontist, one must first complete four years of dental school. After this, they must complete an additional two or three years of specialized training in endodontics. This training includes both classroom and clinical experience, where they learn how to diagnose and treat complex dental problems.

How is an endodontist different from a dentist?

While both endodontists and dentists are dental professionals, they have different areas of expertise. Dentists focus on treating the teeth, gums and other soft tissues in the mouth. They perform routine cleanings, fillings, extractions and other general dental procedures. They also educate patients on how to maintain good oral health.

On the other hand, endodontists specialize in treating the inside of the tooth. They are trained to diagnose and treat problems related to the pulp and nerve of the tooth. This includes performing root canal treatments. Endodontists are also trained to perform procedures that help save damaged teeth, such as treating cracked teeth and performing surgical procedures to remove infected tissue.

Come see us at Dahlgren Dental!

Dahlgren Dental is proud to introduce the newest member of our team, Dr. Gary Johnson. Dr. Johnson is an endodontist who has 30+ years of general and endodontic dentistry experience in Northern Virginia. We are thrilled to have such an experienced doctor on our team to provide you with even more specialized care. Request an appointment online or call (540) 663-2221.