Conventional braces aren’t always the best choice. Metal braces are very noticeable, can get food particles stuck in them, and require frequent dentist frequently for tightening and maintenance. Invisalign may be a better option for some people. Here are five reasons why it’s the best choice for your lifestyle.Invisalign

1. Comfort

The removable plastic aligners can be taken out to eat, drink, and brush and floss your teeth. You don’t need to worry about getting food stuck in between braces.

2. Appearance

Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible. You can wear them during the day without worrying that other people might notice them.  As you transition to each new set of aligners, you will notice a constant improvement in your teeth. 

3. Convenience – Fewer Dentist Visits

Unlike traditional metal braces, you will need fewer dentist visits when you wear clear aligners. While you will still need regular check-ups and cleanings, you won’t need to constantly go in for tightening as you would with metal braces.

4. Cost-Effective

Invisalign aligners are much more cost-effective than their counterparts. Many payment plan options are available for this clear aligner treatment.

5. Pain-Free

With Invisalign aligners, you don’t need to worry about discomfort or pain. Traditional braces often come with gum pain and swelling, mouth sores, tooth discoloration, and difficulty eating.  Invisalign aligners are comfortable to wear, and you can remove them when eating or drinking. You don’t have to stay away from your favorite food or drinks. 

Invisalign clear aligners fit right in with your lifestyle. You can still eat and drink your favorite foods, whiten your teeth, and brush and floss as you normally would. When you wear Invisalign aligners, you can see the improvement in your teeth. Get the confidence of a healthy smile today! 

To learn more about Invisalign clear aligners, contact our office online or at (540) 663-2221