Restoring Healthy Smiles

child dentistry restorative care

At Dahlgren Dental we take preventive care and patient education seriously. Due to decay or injury, your child may require pediatric restorative dentistry services at some point. We offer many treatments for restoring chipped, decayed and infected teeth and your child’s healthy smile.

Dental Fillings

Plaque bacteria can harm your child’s dental health no matter what age they are when it decays tooth enamel. Dental fillings are simple procedures that can help save your child’s teeth from damaging decay. We fill cavities using durable tooth-colored fillings that are designed to restore the tooth to its original structure and function, return their smile to good health and prevent further decay.

Dental Crowns

When a child is need of a root canal or has extreme tooth decay or damage that can’t be fixed with a simple filling, we may recommend fixing their tooth with a dental crown. Our stainless steel crowns are very durable and can restore the structure of a damaged tooth so your child can continue to maintain excellent oral health.
In most cases, we offer stainless steel crowns for the back teeth, however, we do have the option of doing all-white crowns on back teeth. When front teeth need crowns we have different options from all-white crowns, to white face crowns. These keep the teeth healthy and look pretty and natural!

Gentle Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction may be recommended if your child is facing decay or if a tooth is crowding other healthy teeth. Primary molars are the most common extractions since those teeth are more likely to get cavities. Untreated decay can cause more serious oral health conditions. The infection can spread to other teeth and may affect developing adult teeth that haven’t erupted yet.

Extractions are typically quick, in-office procedures that require local anesthesia. If your child needs it, we can use sedation dentistry services to accompany a tooth extraction.

Pulp Therapy

The pulp in the center of the tooth is made of blood vessels, tissue and nerves. When the pulp becomes infected, it may need to be removed. A child’s primary teeth can become damaged from trauma or an injury, including accidents, falls or failed dental restorations.

Oftentimes, the tooth has to be removed and replaced with a space maintainer until the adult tooth grows in. Depending on the severity of the damage, pulp therapy and a full-coverage crown may be able to save the tooth. During the procedure, the cleaned space is filled with a special material before being capped with a durable, long-lasting dental crown.



If you are looking for stress-free and comprehensive dental care with a long history of excellence, we are here for you.

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Monday – Thursday
7:00 AM – 4:00 PM