Keeping Children’s Smiles Healthy


Pediatric preventative dentistry treatments are just as important as for adults. Children are especially prone to cavities as they love sweets, drink juice and aren’t as thorough with oral hygiene habits as adults. In addition to learning good oral hygiene habits, your child should visit the dentist every six months for regular dental cleanings and checkups.


Dental sealants are recommended to seal the deep grooves in your child’s teeth to prevent decay from forming. Made from a translucent material similar to plastic that a dentist can spread on the teeth. It takes just a few minutes per tooth to apply and harden the sealant. After hardening, dental sealants remain on the chewing surfaces of teeth to stop cavities from forming and spreading. Sealants last for several years and will be monitored at your child’s regular checkups.

Space Maintainers

Space maintainers are dental appliances made of plastic or metal to hold the empty space open after a baby tooth is lost or extracted. By keeping the remaining teeth from moving until permanent teeth emerge. Spacers are cheaper and more efficient than attempting to move teeth back to the proper positions with orthodontic treatments. Space maintainers are small and perfectly comfortable.


Fluoride is a mineral commonly found in toothpaste and US drinking water. It is effective in preventing cavities and tooth decay and in preventing plaque from building up and hardening on the tooth’s surface. When appropriate, a dentist might recommend your child receive a professional fluoride treatment.

These treatments will renew the fluoride content in the enamel of your child’s teeth, strengthening enamel and making it easier to fight acid and bacteria that cause decay. Strong teeth are much less likely to get cavities.

A fluoride treatment in your dentist’s office takes just a few minutes. Depending on your oral health and your access to fluorinated water your dentist may recommend your child have a fluoride treatment every three, six or 12 months.

Mouthguards For Sports

Most dentists recommend children wear mouthguards when playing contact sports. These protective devices can be custom-made in the dental office to suit the distinct shape of your child’s mouth. These mouthguards should be worn when playing sports to protect the teeth and gums against physical contact. Our caring team at Dahlgren Dental will create a customized mouthguard for your child to ensure their teeth stay protected while playing sports.

Dahlgren Dental


If you are looking for stress-free and comprehensive dental care with a long history of excellence, we are here for you.

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